Thursday 26 May 2016

famous success quotes

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. 
Stephen Hawking

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. 
Henry Ford

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. 
Winston Churchill

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. 
Vince Lombardi

Thursday 19 May 2016

Verghese Kurien quotes

Verghese Kurien quotes- milk man of India

“…failure is not about not succeeding. Rather it is about not putting in your bet effort and not contributing, however modestly, to the common good.”

“Most of us compare ourselves with someone we thin is happier – a relative, an acquaintance, or often, someone we barely know. But when we start looking closely we realize that what we saw were only images of perfection. And that will helps us understand and cherish what we have, rather than what we don’t have.”

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Memorable Quotes From Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Memorable Quotes From Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam quotes

“Dream, Dream Dream
Dreams transform into thoughts
And thoughts result in action.”
― A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

“Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.”
― A.P.J. Abdul Kalam